Lightware in the Q-SYS Technology Partner Program
Within the program, Lightware has collaborated closely with Q-SYS to introduce a Q-SYS Certified plugin that is tailored to integrate Lightware's extensive video matrix range
This plugin provides comprehensive control over various video matrix devices. At launch, the plugin will support the Taurus UCX, a cutting-edge solution designed for hybrid meeting rooms that unleashes the potential of USB-C connectivity and the MMX2, an HDMI 2.0 switcher with breakout audio in addition to occupancy sensor input with various control features.

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Lightware Advanced Room Automation simplifies AV interactions
LARA is a user-friendly software solution that simplifies AV control without requiring complex programming skills, while also allowing experienced programmers to create custom modules. It runs on Taurus UCX and can be easily configured via a web browser, enabling meeting room users to access room controls through a single touch panel.

The Q-SYS Platform plus Lightware video matrices have become an integral part of dynamic AV systems. This plugin, available in Q-SYS Design Software, streamlines the design and integration of both solutions and offers enhanced flexibility and efficiency in design, commissioning and deployment.