Lightware – Sennheiser Integration
Lightware and Sennheiser joined forces to develop a highly efficient and immersive audio-visual solution to leverage user experience in meeting rooms.
Enhanced Hybrid Meeting Solutions
The collaboration between Lightware and Sennheiser enhances hybrid meeting room setups by integrating Sennheiser's audio technology with Lightware's AV solutions. This allows for better audio quality, seamless room control, and efficient management in unified communications.
Lightware’s Taurus hybrid matrix switchers with LARA software expand inputs, enable USB host switching, charging, and Ethernet without disrupting calls. Users can access room peripherals and share screens from BYOD laptops smoothly during MTR calls." something like this but use all the info only from the website
When integrated with Taurus UCX, running LARA software, this powerful solution will process the information from the Sennheiser Ceiling microphone and control a PTZ camera to visually track and focus on the meeting participant who is actually speaking. A significant advantage lies in its customization, eschewing a one-box solution (encompassing camera, microphone, and speaker).
As a result, in high-quality meeting rooms it can efficiently accommodate hybrid meetings.
Control PTZ Cameras using VISCA Protocol
It helps visually track and focus on the meeting participant who is actually speaking
More Personal and Engaging Experience
We are dedicated to tailoring our services to your unique needs
No Need for Separate Control Unit
Our innovative design integrates all controls seamlessly
Enhanced Remote Meeting Technology
The technology will ensure that remote meeting participants can clearly see and hear who is speaking at any given moment. It will also feature built-in intelligence to detect multiple speakers and adapt camera focus accordingly.
In instances of silence, it also provides a comprehensive view of the room – a capability essential for holding successful meetings in small to medium meeting rooms where participants also attend remotely.

Collaborative Solutions
As a result, remote participants in meetings held in rooms designed for eight or more people will enjoy a more personal and engaging experience, as they can clearly see and hear on-site colleagues.
In addition, organisations seeking to standardise this solution globally can rely on the cooperation between Lightware and Sennheiser, while AV professionals, including integrators and consultants, can implement a cutting-edge technology solution.
Experience the Sennheiser Difference with Lightware Devices
The solution works with Sennheiser TCC2 and Lightware Taurus UCX, running LARA. It can control any camera using VISCA protocol.*
Using the information from the TCC2, LARA identifies the direction of the voice source, processes this information by comparing it to presets, and converts it to a command, controlling the PTZ camera. The result is that the camera turns to the relevant direction and focuses to the speaker.
*The performance may be different as various cameras implement VISCA protocol as full-featured or just a subset.

Video Conferencing with PTZ Camera Integration
Thanks to the recent collaboration between Lightware and Sennheiser, we've introduced an exciting new feature: instead of supporting just a PTZ camera, as in our previous setup, we now have the capability to manage another fixed camera simultaneously.
This advancement brings new possibilities, especially for larger meeting rooms and boardrooms. With this camera system, one camera can follow and focus on the person speaking, guided by information from the microphone through LARA control. The second camera provides a fixed view of all the people present in the room.
As a result, during video calls, viewers can now enjoy a more comprehensive perspective. They can see both the entire meeting room and the current speaker, as determined by the microphone's input.
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Lightware Advanced Room Automation simplifies AV interactions
LARA is a user-friendly software solution that simplifies AV control without requiring complex programming skills, while also allowing experienced programmers to create custom modules. It runs on Taurus UCX and can be easily configured via a web browser, enabling meeting room users to access room controls through a single touch panel.